January 2025 | Kislev/Tevet/Shevat 5785

Dear B’nai Shalom members, families, and friends: For this month’s bulletin article, it was suggested to me that I present to you a couple recent questions that were posed to me together with the answers I shared with the questioners. I thought that could be an...

December 2024 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5785

Dear B’nai Shalom members, friends, and families: With the next holiday on our Jewish calendar, the festive chag of Chanukah, soon to be upon us, I share with you the following listing of mitzvot, traditions, customs, and rules concerning the holiday. I hope this is...

November 2024 | Cheshvan 5785

Shalom uvracha to all of the wonderful B’nai Shalom members, families, and friends: I hope and trust that following the inspiring and moving Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, the holidays of Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah, brought additional pleasure...

August 2024 | Tammuz/Av 5784

Dear B’nai Shalom members, families, and friends: While summertime is a time of great joy, pleasure, and relaxation for many people, there is a portion of the summer that does not match the joyfulness that often accompanies the summertime. As you will be reading this,...

July 2024 | Sivan/Tammuz 5784

Dear B’nai Shalom members, families, and friends: As you are reading this bulletin, we will be about halfway between the joyous festival of Shavuot, (behind us) and the sadness-filled fast day of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz, coming up in just a few weeks. There is ALWAYS...