We’re located at
701 W. Aptakisic Road
Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089
Please note: Map websites such as Yahoo may direct you to the wrong “Aptakisic Road”. Please verify any directions from such sites against the information below.
Congregation B’nai Shalom is located on Aptakisic Road between Buffalo Grove Road and State Route 83, approximately 2 1/4 miles north of Lake Cook Road, in Buffalo Grove, Illinois.
From Chicago and the North Shore take I-94 West and the tollway spur ramp to the Deerfield Road exit just past the toll plaza. Head west on Deerfield Road to Milwaukee Avenue (Il Rt. 21) – approx. 4 miles. Turn north (right) on Milwaukee to Aptakisic Road – approx 1 mile. Turn west (left) on Aptakisic to the shul – approx. 2 miles.
From the South and West Suburbs take I-355 and Il Rt. 53 North to Lake-Cook Road (the end of the line). Go east on Lake-Cook to Arlington Heights Road – approx 2 miles. Turn north (left) on Arlington Heights Road to State Route 83 – approx 2 miles. Drive North on Route 83 to Aptakisic Road – approx. 1 mile. Turn right on Aptakisic Road to the shul – 1/2 mile.