January 2024 | Tevet/Shevat 5784
Dear B’nai Shalom members, friends, and families: As you read this bulletin article, we will either be preparing for the upcoming fast of Asarah B’Tevet, the 10th day of the month of Tevet or we will have already observed the fast day on Friday, Dec. 22nd. This fast...
December 2023 | Kislev/Tevet 5784
Dear Bnai Shalom members, families and friends, With the ongoing situation continuing to play out in Eretz Yisrael, WE continue to daven for the wellbeing and safely of all the residents of our Holyland and for the safe return of all prisoners and hostages. As G-d’s...
November 2023 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5784
Dear B’nai Shalom members, friends, and families: Although recent horrible events in Israel and the nightmarish, unthinkable atrocities of barbaric magnitude have had an absurd, ignorant, and vehemently anti-Jewish effect HERE in the United States, (particularly –...
September/October 2023 | Elul 5783/Tishrei/Cheshvan 5784
Dear B’nai Shalom Families, Members, and Friends: As you read this month’s bulletin, Jews worldwide are thinking about, and preparing for the upcoming High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This is part and parcel of the substantive and anticipatory getting...
August 2023 | Av/Elul 5783
Dear B’nai Shalom members, friends, and families: Before I share the main contents of this bulletin article’s topic, I want to profusely thank all of you who have lent your support to Robin and me during this, my recuperation period from hip replacement surgery. The...
July 2023 | Tammuz/Av 5783
Dear B’nai Shalom members, friends, and families: With so many valuable questions sent my way, in my most recent several Wednesday night shiurim (classes), I have used the on-line class time to address and respond to those well thought out questions and have included...
June 2023 | Sivan/Tammuz 5783
Dear B’nai Shalom members, friends, and families: We may all be somewhat familiar with the bracha (blessing) “line-up” for the various foods we eat, having varied levels of familiarity with the priority listing of which bracha is said prior to which food item to be...
April 2023 | Nissan/Iyar 5783
Dear B’nai Shalom members, families, and friends: As you will be reading this shul bulletin, undoubtedly you will be entrenched in the myriad of chores and tasks we undertake to prepare fully and thoroughly for the upcoming Passover holiday. As you well may know,...
March 2023 | Adar/Nissan 5783
Dear B’nai Shalom members, friends and families: As we prepare for the immensely joyful holiday of Purim, I share with you the following points to help you in your celebrations and to make clear the obligations of the holiday: It is no surprise that one of the more...
February 2023 | Shevat/Adar 5783
Dear B’nai Shalom members, friends, and families: I would like to share with you the following story -- a true depiction of an experience a friend of mine had just a few years ago that touched me and influenced my way of thinking in one particular area of life. My...